Friday 5 October 2012

A bit about me

I'm a 32 year old single woman living in Brisbane Australia. I adore my gorgeous toddler daughter who I conceived with the help of a sperm donor I sought out on the Internet. I like to step outside of society's norms occasionally, if it suits me. I don't see the point in being a particular way just because society expects it. I like to question society, I like to question alot about life.

I'm permanently on a spiritual journey trying to figure out what will happen to me once I die, and what will happen to my loved ones. Thats where quantum physics comes in too...
I've been considering egg donation lately, donating my eggs to help someone else, but haven't made up my mind yet. I'm actively dating, I work part time in a hospital and I am really enjoying life at the moment. I love being a mum, I was born to be a mum and am so glad that thirst has been quenched and I am able to experience more and more of it each day. I'm trying to get my unit ready to put on the market, cause I want to buy a house to live in, further out in the suburbs.

I could have just started up my own personal dairy for this task but instead I have decided to blog because to me it feels like I am talking to someone, and that makes it easier to nut out ideas and thoughts. Even if no-one is listening, thats ok. This blog is the real me, so I will keep my name anonymous to enable me to blog freely without fear of judgement.


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